Fathers are important!!!

Fathers are important! The Fatherhood Project on their website www.thefatherhoodproject.org featured an article on the 10 Facts about Father Engagement. Read them below and make sure the fathers in your life know they are important.
    1. Fathers and infants can be equally as attached as mothers and infants. When both parents are involved with the child, infants are attached to both parents from the beginning of life.
    2. Father involvement is related to positive health outcomes in infants, such as improved weight gain in preterm infants and improved breastfeeding rates.
    3. Father involvement using authoritative parenting (loving and with clear boundaries and expectations) leads to better emotional, academic, social, and behavioral outcomes for children.
    4. Children who feel a closeness to their father are: twice as likely as those who do not to enter college or find stable employment after high school, 75% less likely to have a teen birth, 80% less likely to spend time in jail, and half as likely to experience multiple depression symptoms.

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